Addison Method
Addison Method

Products & Services

Acoustical Wave Therapy


Sound is more than a feeling.   Experience total relaxation, stress relief, and better night sleep.  The acoustical wave creates an internal massage that can affect every organ, muscle, pore, and cell in the body.  Hence, the breathing becomes deeper, allowing more oxygen into the body promoting these positive results.   


The session is 30 minutes, beginning with a few moments of light stretches before the music starts.  Just relax and enjoy!  The serenity will stick around long after the music is over.




Biosyntonie is a non-invasive natural therapy used to mitigate the harmful effects of electromagnetic and geopathic stress, while at the same time supporting and enhancing the body’s own natural energy pathways. The specialty discs used within Biosyntonie may also be provided to the patient to reduce harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution and other energetic stressors.


Biosyntonie “devices” are ceramic discs composed primarily of uniquely arranged silica crystals. These crystals give off their own waves that block and eliminate harmful electromagnetic pollution coming from electrical components and sources. All man made electromagnetic waves have a 2-dimensional sinus form. All naturally occurring waves that we need and are beneficial to us have a 3-dimensional vortex form. Biosyntonie disks interact with these 2-dimensional waves eliminating and converting them into beneficial vortex waves.


Biosyntonie can also be used as a form of natural therapy prescribed by the practitioner. Specific ceramic discs designed to stimulate the body’s acupuncture points (and are different from the discs used to protect from electromagnetic pollution) act like tuning forks that re-energize key acupuncture points. The therapy, therefore, is an efficient energy modality.





We offer package discount for multiple sessions for groups and individuals.

Please call or fill out the contact information on our Contact Us page.  We will get back to you ASAP.


To make an appointment for a session, please contact Addison at 925-297-7334.



Products to Enhance Your Beauty and Health


Patagonia Ulmo Honey Raw

What is Ulmo honey?


Ulmo honey is made from the nectar of the flowering Ulmo tree (Eucryphia cordifolia) which is native to the temperate rainforests of Patagonia at the bottom of South America. It is a creamy and extremely floral honey with notes of jasmine and mint.

The Ulmo tree blossoms in February and March (late Summer - early Spring in Patagonia) and covers certain areas of the forest with beautiful white flowers. Due to the rich nectar supply of the Ulmo flower, honeybees prefer this food source over other flowers, and this means that with carefully-timed harvests beekeepers can get monofloral Ulmo honey with up to 95% pollen count from the Ulmo flower (lab tested).

Contact Us Today!

Addison Method
779 Moraga Rd

Lafayette, 94549

Phone:  925-234-6757

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